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Observation of D_s^+→η^' μ^+ ν_μ, Precision Test of Lepton Flavor Universality with D_s^+→η^((')) l^+ ν_l, and First Measurements of D_s^+→η^((')) μ^+ ν_μ Decay Dynamics The BESIII collaboration has reported the observation of Ds+→η' μ+νμ, precision test of lepton flavor universality with Ds+→η(') l+ νl, and first measurements of Ds+→η(') μ+ νμ decay dynamics. These results have been published in Physical Review Letters on 28 February 2024. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 091802 (2024)].
First measurement of the decay asymmetry in the pure W-boson-exchange decay Λ_c^+→Ξ^0 K^+ In the January 17, 2024 issue of Physical Review Letters(Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, (2024) 031801), the BESIII Collaboration reported the first measurement of the decay asymmetry in the pure W-boson-exchange decay Λc+→Ξ0 K+. The decay asymmetry parameter, α, is measured to be 0.01±0.16 (stat.)±0.03(syst.), and Δ is measured to be 3.84±0.90 (stat.)±0.17(syst.). Meanwhile, the other two decay asymmetry parameters, β and γ, and also dynamics parameters are also derived in this process.
Observation of the Narrow Structure near the pΛbar Threshold The BESIII collaboration has recently reported the observation of a narrow structure near the pΛbar threshold in the e+e-→pK-Λbar+c.c. process. Its quantum number JP is determined for the first time and the resonance parameters are also determined. The detailed results have been published in the journal Physical Review Letters 131, 151901 on Oct. 10 2023.
Search for Λ-Λbar Baryon-Number-Violating Oscillations The BESIII collaboration has recently presented their results on searching for oscillations between Λbar and Λ in the decay Jpsi to p K- Λbar +c.c. This is the first constraint on the rate of hyperon-anti-hyperon oscillations. The detailed results have been published in the journal Physical Review Letters 131, 121801 on Sep. 19 2023.